Thursday, May 20, 2010

Question: What if I have an ugly baby?

Fear not!  All babies are ugly.  They're wrinkly, have bad hair, and they have bad hygiene.  Yes, they have big eyes, which are cute by definition, but unless you have a fat-cheek fetish, newborn babies are not attractive beings.

Worse yet, this is not a case of someone being ugly on the outside but beautiful on the inside, instead babies are ugly through and through.  They're selfish, oblivious, and loud.  I've heard babies being described as looking like Winston Churchill, but that's only on the outside.  On the inside, they're Archie Bunker at best.

But double fear-not.  No one will tell you this about your baby.  They'll coo over your baby and tell you how adorable it is.  Yes, yes, YOUR baby is going to be the exception to the ugly rule.

Enjoy your Brad Pitt / Angelina Jolie baby.


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